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Kansallis museum

Helsinski, Finland
183,000 sq. ft.
Subterranean building

Design concept

The site is located on the landmark National Museum and landmark Public Park. Built in the beginning of the XX century in the romantic, neo-classic revival style, the National Museum displays the history of Finns from the middle age to the early XX century, defining the notion of Finnish national identity with its distinctive campanile tower that marks the skyline. The design concept of the addition is a subterranean museum below the park to preserve the century old trees and the park. The distinctive foyer and its parametric dome represent the evolving Finnish identity, both high tech and as new forms of identities emerge. While buried, the museum proposes a journey alternating sunken galleries and open sunken courtyards bringing natural light at some point and allowing surprising outdoor art installations.

The circulation path connects the galleries and the restaurant through a central sunken courtyards, which acts as an outdoor gallery,

Main features

4 galleries

1 shop, 1 restaurant, 1 cafe, 1 sales booth, restrooms

1 sunken accessible courtyard

Connected to existing museum