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Housing  /  Office

LienenStrasse Apartments and Office, Berlin

Design concept

For this corner lot in an urban infill site in Berlin, instead of layering the program functions on top of each other, and 'closing' the corner in one single building, offices and apartments are separated in two buildings. A common staircases and public terraces between the two buildings connect them and offer outdoor space for work or leisure. The dissolved corner at ground becomes a public space. 

Dissolving the corner

Not a curve, but not at a right angle, a bifurcating angle, a tribute to Siza's Bonjour Tristesse and Mendelsohn's Mossehause (1923), which then turn the fenestration towards the courtyard to capture sunlight.

A social condenser

Terraces and stairs connect the residential building and the office buildings. When the weather permits, both worlds see each other, interact, and socialize.