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Public buildings

Pool in SF

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Enclosure Design
San Francisco
380,000 sq. ft.



We were asked to design the enclosure of a public pool, on a L shaped lot in the Potrero district, surrounded by warehouses and garages. Using clay, we explored many different roof forms, as we deliberately wanted to avoid the large square boxes so prevalent in the neighborhood. In an ocean of generic and anonymous buildings and warehouses, the public pool must be indeed dignified and must display its values and distinct identity. The roof, connecting the sky and the earth is its distinct feature.


Outside, A Steel Lattice in the Park

A building enclosure can extend outside its functional footprint, it does not need to be the same, it does not need to function as an enclosure, it can just be a  phenomenological artefact,   distinct from the building but recalling its conceptual idea, and in some way, changing the people's behaviour, attracting the people to the pool, people drawn into the building, in the same fashion a swimmer is drawn into the water.