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Sustainable desk

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A sustainable desk in the works

Project Roadmap


The first decision is to consciously choose recycled cardboard as the main material, for its super low carbon footprint,  lightweight and strenght properties. With this material, it is best to use a walled desk rather legged desk. So, with that in mind we started with metal mesh to quicly creating form models to find the best shapes.

Digital models

We used a scanner to create a digital mesh of the physical metal mesh model. Then we used parametic scripts to approximate the digital mesh in order to have a precise nurbs surface.


The digital surface was scaled at 1:20, and digitally sliced in many different pieces of a single thickness, then sent to a laser cutter, which then cut cardboard sheets in various numbered pieces to make the final model. The whole process can be then replicated by a manufacturer at scale.

Daniel Toledano