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Terms of service

Who you are contracting with

These Terms of Service define Daniel Toledano Office of Architecture PLLC (hereafter ‘DTOAA’) interactions with you when you use this website and services provided by this website.  Understanding these terms is important because, by accessing or using our website and related services (whether you’re a client of DTOOA or not), you’re agreeing to these terms.

Our services and information are provided by, and you’re contracting with Daniel Toledano Office of Architecture PLLC (hereunder ‘We’, or ‘Us’) organized under the laws of the State of New York, and operating under the laws of the USA. “DTOOA” “we,” “us,” and “our,” we mean Daniel Toledano Office of Architecture PLLC and its affiliates. Broadly speaking, we give you permission to access and use this website if you fully agree to follow these terms.

Our Content

We’re presenting projects in this website. By our projects we mean projects in which the Principals of the firm have been involved, whether at DTOOA or at other firms before working at DTOOA. These projects are either undertaken or executed by DTOOA; or are projects carried out by the current Members or Managers of DTOOA when they worked at other firms. Whenever possible, the members and managers requested authorization to use these projects as DTOOA references.

Using this website and its content

The permission we give you to access and use our website and our content continues as long as you comply with these Terms and the Privacy Policy set forth in this website. Although we give you permission to use this website, we retain any intellectual property rights we have in this website and in its content.

We want to maintain a respectful environment for everyone, which means you must follow these basic rules: 1.comply with applicable laws; 2. respect the rights of others, including privacy and intellectual property rights 3. don’t abuse or harm others by misleading, defrauding, illegally impersonating, defaming, bullying, harassing, or stalking others

You must not abuse, harm, interfere with, or disrupt this website by introducing malware, spamming, hacking, or bypassing our systems or protective measures, using this website in a fraudulent or deceptive ways, attacking this website to take it down; phishing, creating fake accounts or content, including fake reviews, misleading others into thinking that generative AI content was created by a human, using our services (including the content provided) to violate anyone’s legal rights, such as intellectual property or privacy rights, hiding or misrepresenting who you are in order to violate these terms, providing services that encourage others to violate these terms.

You agree not to use any of the content of this website in any legal proceeding against us, and you agree to stop using such content immediately after our first demand. If you think the content in this website infringe your intellectual property rights, please contact us with the appropriate information immediately here.

We are also presenting writings, analyses, floor plans, sections, renderings and other digital media either produced by the Principals or the Managers or employees at DTOOA. This content is protected by copyright laws. Although we give you permission to access such content, we retain any intellectual property rights we have in this content. If you would like to use such content, please seek our written authorization to do so by contacting us here.

Your Content – Licensing

Some of our services are designed to let you upload, submit, store, send, receive, or share your content. You have no obligation to provide any content to our services and you’re free to choose the content that you want to provide. If you choose to upload or share content, please make sure you have the necessary rights to do so and that the content is lawful.

Your content remains yours, which means that you retain any intellectual property rights that you have in your content. For example, you have intellectual property rights in the creative content you make, such as comments you write. Or you may have the right to share someone else’s creative content if they’ve given you their permission. We need your permission if your intellectual property rights restrict our use of your content. You provide DTOOA with that permission through this license.

This license is worldwide; non-exclusive; and royalty-free, which means there are no monetary fees for this license.

This license allows DTOOA to: host, reproduce, distribute, communicate, and use your content; publish, publicly perform, or publicly display your content, if you’ve made it visible to others; modify and create derivative works based on your content, such as reformatting or translating it; sublicense these rights to other users to allow the services to work as designed, such as enabling you to share photos with people you choose and other contractors with who DTOOA signed agreements with. This license lasts for as long as your content is protected by intellectual property rights.

If you remove from our services any content that’s covered by this license, then our systems will stop making that content publicly available in a reasonable amount of time, but it does not apply if you already shared your content with others before removing it, as your shared content may continue to appear; and if your content is indexed by search engines, which may still find it and may continue to display your content as part of their search results.


Some part of this website may allow you to generate original content, and to make your content publicly available only if we agree. If you post a content on this website, your content will always be moderated first and will never be automatically published. We reserve the right to refuse publication of your content without providing you with a reason. We will not inform you about our rules for publishing. When we determine that your content will or will not be published, we will not inform you of this decision.

If your content whether published or not, cause harm or liability to a user or a third party; violate law; compromise an investigation; compromise the security or disrupts DTOOA; we will take it down in a reasonable amount of time, without you being informed, and after we become aware of it.   

Taking action

Before taking action as described below, we’ll provide you with advance notice when reasonably possible, describe the reason for our action, and give you an opportunity to clarify the issue and address it, unless doing so would cause harm, or liability to a third party, or it violates the law; or compromises or harms or intends to harm DTOOA’s business. We reserve the right to take down some or all of your content at any time and without your agreement. Dtooa has the right to suspend or terminate your access to the services of this website if you breach these terms, or causes harm to a third party. for example, by hacking, phishing, harassing, spamming, using illegally our content protected by copyright laws.

Governing Law and Enforcement

New York Law shall govern all disputes arising out of or relating to these terms, and shall be resolved in the federal or state courts of New York County, NY, USA, and you consent to this jurisdiction. For information about how to contact us, visit our contact page here. .